See Cynthia Douthit's newest writing in the November 2016 Edition #58 of the Restore! Magazine. In it you can learn more about the Jewish people and their history and involvement in the United States Civil War. You can order your own copy and subscribe today!
The following teachings are what you can expect to hear when you attend BERIT OLAM FELLOWSHIP. We hope you will visit us and
experience for yourself these dynamic teachings. May you be blessed and enjoy the following videos from our Congregational Leader, Cynthia Douthit.
Cynthia Douthit is now on YouTube
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(If you are interested in having Cynthia Douthit teach at your congregation, bible study, or special event, please contact her at:
Are you interested in having
an event like this at your
church, school, or veterans event?
Contact Cynthia Douthit, Executive Director of the Jewish Christian Studies Center for more information.
(Restore! Magazine is published by Hebraic Heritage Christian Center.
You can learn more about this ministry by going to their website at:
Copyright Berit Olam Hebraic-Messianic Fellowship. All rights reserved.
903 D West Johnson Ave., Springdale, AR 72764 Phone:479-957-3219 Email:
(Mailing Address: P.O. Box 44, Elm Springs, AR 72728)